Judge Tasks
Report Scripts

Report Scripts

Seele allows specifying a report script for judge tasks through the reporter attribute. When returning progress and completed reports, the judge system runs the report script with the judge report as input and performs corresponding actions based on the script's return value. Currently, Seele only supports JavaScript as the report script language.

The parameters for the reporter attribute are shown in the table below:

javascriptstringUse JavaScript as the report script

The return value of the script must conform to the structure shown in the table below:

reportobjectNoAdditional report content, which will be used as the report attribute of the judge report
embedsobjectYesConfiguration for embedding file content, see Embedding and Uploading Files
uploadsobjectYesConfiguration for uploading files, see Embedding and Uploading Files. For progress reports, the uploads returned by the script will be ignored, and this attribute is only valid when the input is a completed report.

JavaScript Report Script

When the report script is run, Seele provides a global variable DATA pointing to the input judge report object, giving users access to the status of each subtask. Users can determine the return value of the script based on the content of DATA.

In the script example below, we check the completion status of the check subtask and additionally return a grade attribute representing the score of the judge task.

function getGrade() {
  const status = DATA.steps.check.status;
  switch (status) {
    case "PENDING":
    case "RUNNING":
      return null;
    case "SKIPPED":
      return -1;
    case "FAILED":
      return 0;
    case "SUCCESS":
      return 100;
return {
  report: {
    grade: getGrade(),

The completed report returned by Seele is shown below:

  "id": "F7UAO37LMPYQRqLo",
  "type": "COMPLETED",
  "report_at": "2023-03-26T13:33:10.934345832Z",
  "report": {
    "grade": 100
  "status": {
    // ...

Seele uses the QuickJS (opens in a new tab) engine to execute JavaScript report scripts. This engine basically supports the newer ES2020 specification and provides full support for basic APIs such as Date, Math, JSON, etc. JavaScript report scripts have limitations including but not limited to the following:

  • Seele does not integrate asynchronous features, so asynchronous APIs like Promise will not work.
  • The QuickJS engine does not provide Web APIs, such as fetch().
  • Access to the file system and network is not available.