Local Development

Local Development

It is recommended to use a distribution with a newer kernel, such as Archlinux, for local development. Local development only requires a regular user, not root privileges.

Environment Requirements

  • Golang 1.19
  • Cargo 1.69.0+
  • rustc 1.69.0+

Debugging the Security Sandbox

There is a Makefile in the runj folder. You can build the sandbox and save the executable file to runj/bin by running make build.

For specific methods to run unit tests and integration tests, please refer to the README.md file in the runj directory.

Debugging the Judge Service

The Seele repository provides a Dockerfile.dev for local development packaging. You can build Seele, including the judge service program and the sandbox program, by running docker build -f Dockerfile.dev .. After the build is complete, you can start Seele following the Docker Deployment method.

If you want to use a debugger or start the judge service directly with cargo run, follow the steps below:

  • On Archlinux, you need to install additional packages systemd-libs and protobuf. On Ubuntu, you need to install additional packages libsystemd-dev and protobuf-compiler.
  • Refer to the configuration file below:
log_level = "info"
work_mode = "bare"
root = '/home/user/seele/root'
runj = '/home/user/seele/runj/bin/runj'
userns_user = "user"
userns_uid = 1000
userns_gid = 1000