
Worker Configuration

Worker receives action tasks from Composer and executes the corresponding action tasks according to the parameters in them. Finally, it sends the execution report to Composer. The configuration items of Worker are shown in the table below:

actionobjectAction task configuration items

The properties of the action configuration item are shown in the table below:

add_fileobjectAdd File configuration items
run_containerobjectSandbox configuration items

add_file Configuration

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
cache_strategystring'default'Cache strategy for HTTP URL downloads, see (opens in a new tab).
Note that the value uses Snake case
cache_size_mibnumber512Maximum cache size. This cache is stored in memory
cache_ttl_hournumber72TTL time for each cache item, in hours

run_container Configuration

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
pull_image_timeout_secondsnumber600Timeout for skopeo to pull the image, in seconds
unpack_image_timeout_secondsnumber600Timeout for umoci to unpack the image, in seconds
userns_uidnumberCurrent user IDUser ID used by the secure sandbox
userns_userstringCurrent usernameUsername used by the secure sandbox
userns_gidnumberCurrent group IDGroup ID used by the secure sandbox
cache_size_mibnumber512Maximum size of the compilation task cache. This cache is stored in memory
cache_ttl_hournumber72TTL time for each cache item, in hours
preload_imagesstring[][]List of image names to be downloaded and unpacked before Seele starts receiving requests