Judge Tasks
Embedding and Uploading Files

Embedding and Uploading Files

Sequential tasks, concurrent tasks, and action tasks configuration provide a report property. Its parameters are shown in the table below:

embedsobject[]At the end of task execution, embed the contents of specified files in the root folder into the judge report
uploadsobject[]At the end of the entire judge task, upload specified files in the root folder through an HTTP request

embeds Property

The parameters for the embeds property are shown in the table below:

pathstringThe path of the file to embed content from
fieldstringThe attribute name used when embedding file content into the judge report
truncate_kibnumberEmbed only the specified size of file content, in KiB
ignore_if_missingbooleanIf the file does not exist, whether to ignore and not report an error. The default value is true

uploads Property

The parameters for the uploads property are shown in the table below:

pathstringThe path of the file to upload
targetstringThe URL of the HTTP request for uploading the file
method'POST' or 'PUT'The method of the HTTP request for uploading the file
ignore_if_missingbooleanIf the file does not exist, whether to ignore and not report an error. The default value is true

Seele will begin asynchronously uploading files after the judge task is completed and the completion report or error report has been sent.