Utility Images

Utility Images

We provide some utility container images to make it easier for users to use Seele.

diff-scripts image

The source files for the image are located at images/diff-scripts (opens in a new tab). You can reference this image in the judge task using image: darkyzhou/diff-scripts.

diff-scripts provides two script files, diff-strict and diff-loose, for comparing the differences between the output content of the judge program and the standard answer content. They are based on GNU diffutils.


Checks if the contents of the user.out and standard.out files in the current directory are exactly the same.

  • If there are differences other than trailing whitespace characters and differing numbers of whitespace characters, the exit code is 8.
  • If there are only differences in trailing whitespace characters or differing numbers of whitespace characters, the exit code is 9.
  • If there are no differences, the exit code is 0.
  • If the file does not exist, the exit code is 1.


Checks if the contents of the user.out and standard.out files in the current directory are basically the same.

  • If there are differences other than trailing whitespace characters, differing numbers of whitespace characters, and differing numbers of empty lines, the exit code is 8.
  • If there are no such differences, the exit code is 0.
  • If the file does not exist, the exit code is 1.


The script files always use the user.out file in the current directory as the output content of the judge program and the standard.out as the standard answer content. When using the execution task, we can modify the mounted file names using the files attribute.

The following example demonstrates the usage of diff-loose, and the usage of diff-strict is similar. In this example, we redirect the output stream of the judge program to the file __user_output, and then mount it along with the answer file __answer in the utility image for comparison.

    # ...
      stdout: "__user_output"
    action: "seele/run-judge/run@1"
    image: ""
    command: "diff-loose"
      - "__user_output:user.out"
      - "__answer:standard.out"