Judge Tasks
Adding Files

Adding Files

Adding files is an action task that allows users to save necessary files in the root folder according to their parameters. Currently, this action task offers several methods to add files.

Inline Plain Text

Use the plain property to pass in a plain text string. Seele will write the contents of the string to the specified file.

The example below adds two source files main.h and main.c using inline plain text.

    action: "seele/add-files@1"
      - path: "main.h"
        plain: |
          extern int power;
      - path: "main.c"
        plain: |
          #include <stdio.h>
          #include "main.h"
          int power = 114514;
          int main(void) {
            printf("Power: %d\n", power);
            return 0;

We do not recommend using inline plain text to pass user-submitted source code and other files, as YAML does not support carrying some special characters. In addition, Seele will also refuse to process non-UTF-8 encoded plain text. In these cases, using inline Base64 text or HTTP URLs is a better choice.

Inline Base64 Text

Use the base64 property to pass in a Base64 text string. Seele will decode the Base64 text and write the resulting data to the specified file.

Seele accepts only Base64 text without padding. Passing Base64 text with padding will cause an error.

The example below adds two source files main.h and main.c using inline Base64 text. Seele will decode the Base64 text and store the binary data directly in the file.

    action: "seele/add-files@1"
      - path: "main.h"
        base64: "ZXh0ZXJuIGludCBwb3dlcjs"
      - path: "main.c"
        base64: "I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+CiNpbmNsdWRlICJtYWluLmgiCgppbnQgcG93ZXIgPSAxMTQ1MTQ7CgppbnQgbWFpbih2b2lkKSB7CiAgcHJpbnRmKCJQb3dlcjogJWRcbiIsIHBvd2VyKTsKICByZXR1cm4gMDsKfQ"


Use the url property to pass in an HTTP URL string. Seele will use the built-in HTTP client to send GET requests to the two URLs and write the obtained responses to the specified files.

The example below adds two source files main.h and main.c using HTTP URLs.

    action: "seele/add-files@1"
      - path: "main.h"
        url: "http://darkyzhou.net/main.h"
      - path: "main.c"
        url: "http://darkyzhou.net/main.c"

Authentication, downloading HTTPS URLs are not supported yet.

By default, the Add File task will attempt to use the negotiated cache headers in the HTTP response headers to cache downloaded files in memory, speeding up subsequent judge tasks' downloads of the same files. For more information, see Adding File Configurations.

Local Files

Use the local property to pass in an absolute path string pointing to a local file. Seele will copy the specified file.

When running Seele in a Docker or Kubernetes container, make sure to mount the relevant files into the container's filesystem.

The example below adds a local file /tmp/foo.txt to the submission root folder.

    action: "seele/add-files@1"
      - path: "foo.txt"
        local: "/tmp/foo.txt"